(06229) 9 30 90 88 | Mon-Fri 9 am - 6 pmlatest
Vanessa Bartelt M. Sc.
Hauptstraße 26
69239 Neckarsteinach
(06229) 9 33 75 01
Nina Poneleit
Hauptstraße 26
69239 Neckarsteinach
(06229) 9 33 75 01
Professional title (Vanessa Bartelt und Nina Poneleit): State-certified speech therapist (Staatlich geprüfte Logopädin) according to the "Gesetz über den Beruf des Logopäden vom 7. Mai 1980 (BGBl I S. 529)", issued in Germany.
Legal issuer of the document conferring the right to use the professional title (Vanessa Bartelt): regional council Darmstadt
Legal issuer of the document conferring the right to use the professional title (Nina Poneleit): regional council Karlsruhe
Relevant supervisory authority.: Health Office Heidelberg
The professional regulations for speech therapists are available on the internet: Gesetz über den Beruf des Logopäden
Picture credits for fotos taken from external sources are attached directly to the fotos. Some pages use a Neckarsteinach panorama as a background without credits attached for aesthetic reasons: Neckarsteinach panorama: peter schmelzle, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
All other pictures and graphics: © Lernwelt, Vanessa Bartelt und Nina Poneleit.